Compost & Packaging

I felt the urge recently to make a short blog about simple eco friendly things we do here at the shop and things you can do too. If you have ordered jewelry from us you will notice we don't use much plastic in our process. The craft mailer does have a bubble wrap inside to protect your package but did you know that you can pull that plastic out and recycle it at the same place you take plastic bags to be recycled. All the tissue paper, cardboard, twine and moss in your package is also compostable. If you have a compost bin you can throw it in there. If you don't have a compost bin you can google search "composting near me" and you may be able to find something local. Or reuse it for other packaging. 

Also in a previous post I mentioned narrowing my shipping down to once a week. (See previous blog for more info.) Honestly this is an easy way for anyone who lives in a rural area and has to rely on a vehichle to be eco friendly, drive less by compacting your errands into a one or two trips a week. 

And lastly we have a new reusable tote bag listed in the Home Goods Shop! Follow the link below to check it out and see what else is hanging out over there. 

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